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IFAH-Europe Annual Conference 2009: "The 2010 review: 1 vision-1 final step to 1 market?"

25 Jun to 25 Jun 2023

Download the proceedings  (PDF)

The 2009 IFAH-Europe conference was devoted to advancing the debate on possible improvements to the legislation governing veterinary medicinal products, in preparation for the planned review in 2010.

Industry and regulators have put forward ideas to optimise the current regulatory framework in preparation for the foreseen review of the veterinary medicinal products legislation in 2010. The conference was a good opportunity to discuss these proposals and whether they can stimulate innovation and deliver a true single market for veterinary medicines in one final review. These objectives would improve European-wide access to new and existing animal health products, and help respond to current and emerging health threats. Can we achieve a single vision among the key stakeholders?

Target groups
The event gathered representatives from the EU institutions (European Commission, Council and Parliament), national regulators, veterinarians, farmers, animal health experts, industry and other relevant stakeholders.

The programme focused on the veterinary legislative review and looked at:

  • Objectives and strategies;
  • Possible solutions;
  • Aspects linked to creating a well coordinated and efficient European Medicines Regulatory Network
  • How the regulatory processes can deliver a single market via 1 single EU dossier, 1 scientific assessment and 1 decision for marketing authorisation (the “1-1-1 Concept”).

The conference proceedings are available here