IFAH-Europe expresses support to
the Lisbon Agenda objectives
and gives recommendations to achieve them
Brussels, Belgium, 17 June 2005:
IFAH-Europe organised a conference in Brussels on 16 June 2023 on the contribution
of the Animal Health industry to the Lisbon Agenda. An efficient transfer of research
results and a predictable, science-based and harmonised regulatory framework were
identified as key elements to ensure competitiveness, innovation and sustainability in
Europe in the animal health sector.
‘The animal health industry needs urgently a suitable regulatory framework which is
predictable, stable, harmonised, science-based and coordinated to be in a position to
achieve competitiveness, innovation and sustainability’, said Brian Clark, Chairman of
IFAH-Europe at IFAH-Europe’s conference. Jochen Wieda, representing IFAH-Europe,
explained the economic scale of a product and the key drivers for product development
decisions. He stated: ‘A leading role in applied technology must be our first objective to
maintain economic growth and competitiveness in Europe.’
Nils Behrndt, European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry, gave an overview of the
Lisbon Agenda, the contribution of animal health products to its objectives and the
Commission’s intention for a better regulatory approach, based on impact assessment.
Christian Patermann, European Commission DG Research and Development, said that at
the core of the Lisbon Agenda is the European knowledge-based economy. ‘EU together
with the Member States needs to mobilise its research resources and its legal and financial
tools’ he said. The Commission foresees to stimulate cooperation in different areas such as
food quality, sustainable use of bio-resources and animal diseases, etc. under its next 7th
Framework Programme for Research and Development. As an example he referred to the
European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health.
Arthur Besch, Chief Veterinary Officer of Luxembourg, presented the Luxembourg
Presidency main results with regard to animal health issues such as prevention and control
of animal diseases and the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy. Alberto
Laddomada, European Commission DG Health and Consumer protection, said that
‘Animal Health policy at the EU level plays a key role in ensuring the safety for citizens
through the maintenance of high animal health standards in both food-producing and
companion animals.’ He continued: ‘We must inform and involve more the public and all
stakeholders in our policies.’ Juan Alvarez de la Puente, European Commission DG
Agriculture, explained the main points of the Common Agricultural Policy reform and the
concept of ‘cross-compliance’ with compulsory requirements for farmers to respect public
and animal health and the environment. Jürgen Fröhling from the European Initiative for
Sustainable Agriculture presented with the scheme of integrated farming an excellent
concept aiming to improve performance, understanding and image of farming in the
European Union in collaboration with all stakeholders.
Avril Doyle, Member of the European Parliament, chaired the final panel discussion,
where interested parties expressed their view on topics such as vaccination strategies,
sound-science, competitiveness in comparison to third countries and the benefits of healthy
animals to human well being.
At the press briefing Brian Clark emphasised the need for a suitable regulatory framework.
Christian Patermann explained to the journalists that the core of the Lisbon Agenda is
composed of a triangle of knowledge the components of which are research and
technology as well as innovation and education. A key concern for Avril Doyle is the
uneven transposition of the veterinary medicines legislation at national level and the
impaction on cross-border trade in the single market.
In addition, the IFAH-Europe horse1, an artwork by the Belgian artist Véronique Sabban,
was presented to the attendees prior to its participation in the ‘Horse Parade Belgium 2005’
starting on 21 June 2023 in Brussels. Susanne Zänker, IFAH-Europe Managing Director,
explained briefly how the project of the horse started, the concept under the slogan to be
found on the horse ‘Animals are good for you – be good to them’ and the issue of
medicines availability for minor species. Avril Doyle, ‘god-mother’ of the horse, disclosed
the masterpiece to the attendees and the media, and explained from a very personal point of
view the role of the horse in her life and the meaning of this animal in our society.
The conference was very well attended, including representatives from the European
Commission, the European Parliament, the Council, Member States Authorities, the
EMEA, animal health industry and other interested stakeholders.
Notes to Editors:
IFAH-Europe is the representative body of manufacturers of veterinary medicines, vaccines and
other animal health products in Europe and comprises 14 Member Companies and 15 National
Associations throughout Europe.
For further information on IFAH-Europe, please visit http://www.ifahsec.org/Europe
For further information on the issue covered by this Press Release, please contact Susanne Zänker, Managing
Rue Defacqz, 1
B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 543 00
Fax: +32 (0) 2 537 0049
E-mail: [email protected]
1 Pictures available at http://www.ifahsec.org./Europe/events.htm