IFAH-Europe Opposes Danish Antibiotic List

Brussels, Belgium, 21 December 2005: Representing the European Animal Health
industry, IFAH-Europe strongly opposes the restrictive list of antibiotics for use in pig
production as published today by a working group of the Danish Veterinary and Food

“The professional veterinary surgeon is best placed to decide on the appropriate treatment
in any given situation – this decision should not be hampered by a subjective list” stated
Declan O’ Brien, Managing Director of IFAH-Europe.

The industry argues that it is totally unreasonable for a subjective list to restrict the use of a
licensed medicine. Industry must satisfy the regulators that its products are safe and
effective. Having done this, a license is issued indicating how the product may be used.

“Having satisfied the regulatory hurdles, industry cannot accept that licensed use of its
products are restricted by a subjective list – such action undermines the EU regulatory
system that the industry has confidence in and supports” stated Mr. O’ Brien.

Along with IFAH-Europe, the Danish Animal Health industry is totally opposed to the
production of the list.

As a way forward, the restrictive list should be abandoned and up to date information
should be circulated to veterinarians detailing the various products that should be used
against a range of diseases. Such information would be useful to ensure that the most
appropriate treatment is always chosen in any given situation.


Antimicrobial products are required to treat animals and maintain their health and welfare.
A judicious and sustainable use of antimicrobials is essential to preserve their efficacy in
both animals and humans. The European Animal Health industry represented by IFAHEurope
is committed to these principles.

-Ends -

Notes to Editors:

IFAH-Europe (International Federation for Animal Health Europe) is the federation representing
manufacturers of veterinary medicines, vaccines and other animal health products in Europe and
comprises 14 Member Companies and 16 National Associations throughout Europe.

For further information on IFAH-Europe, please visit http://www.ifahsec.org/Europe

For further information on the issue covered by this press release, please contact Bernd Halling,
Communications Director.

Rue Defacqz, 1
B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 543 7575
Fax: +32 (0) 2 537 0049
E-mail: [email protected]

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