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EU Initiatives

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) website provides access to all information produced by the Agency relating to veterinary medicines and their regulation.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is the keystone of European Union risk assessment regarding food and feed safety. In close collaboration with national authorities and in open consultation with its stakeholders, EFSA provides independent scientific advice and clear communication on existing and emerging risks.
The DISCONTOOLS project is a joint initiative of the animal health industry and a wide range of stakeholders carried out over four years. It will provide a mechanism for focusing and prioritising research that ultimately delivers new and improved vaccines, pharmaceuticals and diagnostic tests and is actively encouraged and funded by the European Commission services.

The European Partnership on Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) is an unprecedented collaboration between the European Commission and major companies from seven industry sectors, among which the animal health industry. The partners are committed to pooling knowledge, research and resources to accelerate the development, validation and acceptance of alternative approaches to animal testing over an initial five-year period.
European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (ETPGAH)
On 6 May 2009, leading representatives from the European food chain together with the European Commission joined hands to launch the European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Round Table.
European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO): "Animals + Humans = One Health"

The European Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals (EPRUMA) was established in 2005 with the mission of promoting the responsible use of medicines in animals in the EU. The initiative comprises the following stakeholders: COPA/COGECA (farmers and co-operatives),EISA (European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture), FECAVA (small animal veterinarians), FEFAC (feed manufacturers), FESASS (animal-health farmer organisations), FVE (veterinary surgeons) and IFAH-Europe (animal health industry).
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